Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Mango-Shaped Space

I'm going to tell about my favorite book A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. Its her first book. Its about a girl named Mia with synesthesia. It means she sees colors when she hears words, or sees a number or letter. Her grandpa died about three years ago. At his funeral, a  gray and white cat is by his tombstone. Mia asked her parents if she could keep the cat. She named the cat Mango, but everyone thinks she named Mango because his mango colored eyes, but its not why. Mia named Mango because the sound of his purr is a mango color. Later she tells her mom about her colors and goes to a therapist. Then another doctor  gives her a website to meet other synethetes. A synethete is a person with synethesia. She goes to a meeting with some synethetes. When she goes home that night, something terrible happens! Mango has a slight cut on his left lung and does this wheezing thing. It cannot be cured. The vet says Mango can't go outside in the cold, but he does! If you want to know what happens to Mango, read the book!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a really interesting book. You'll have to let me borrow it. I'm glad you found an author that you enjoy so much!
